Thermostat Calculator
We are in the process of updating several of our energy calculators. Results currently provided on this calculator are not reliably accurate. We are working to soon release updated versions with accurate calculations to help you make informed energy decisions.
Is your thermostat programmed to help you save energy and money? Find out by comparing your current settings to recommended energy saving settings.
Choose your current primary heating source (if you have multiple heating options, choose the one most frequently utilized); identify whether you have Central AC; enter your typical heating and cooling temperature settings for each 8 hour time period (Home/Away/Sleep) and then click “calculate”
1. Current primary heating source
3. Typical Temperature Settings
Winter Heating settings
Summer Cooling Settings
Recommended Winter Heating Settings
Home | Away | Sleep |
- | - | - |
Recommended Summer Cooling Settings
Home | Away | Sleep |
- | - | - |
Heating Recommendations
Cooling Recommendations
Programmed Thermostat Savings


Energy Savings Miles Driven Equivalent
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Savings are estimated. Actual savings may differ depending on factors such as your actual energy usage and energy market supply cost fluctuations.