Electric Vehicle Time of Use Rate

Designed for residents with electric vehicles, the EV Time of Use Rate enables owners to purchase electricity at lower rates during times when home vehicle charging is expected to be most frequent – after 7 p.m. and prior to 2 p.m. This optional billing method converts your residential electric account to a time-based rate, billed at a higher cost during peak demand periods (2 to 7 p.m.) and at a lower one all other times. By charging your vehicle during periods of lower demand, and shifting the majority of your other energy use to this same time structure (when choosing the whole home option), you may benefit from a lower bill.

To qualify for the EV Whole Home Time of Use Rate, you must:

  • Lease or own a registered electric vehicle, and provide us with the vehicle VIN number
  • Ensure that the home you reside within and the location you will be charging your EV at are on the same account
  • Agree that the minimum term of service is 12 months

Whole Home Application

Majority of Customers

EV owners choosing the Whole Home option are able to test whether this rate works for them with Central Hudson’s first year bill protection. Annual electric charges of customers on this rate for the first year are compared to what they would have paid under standard rates for the same period; if total annual electric charges would have been less by remaining on standard rates a refund is issued.

EV on Separate Meter Application

This option is specifically for customers who have installed a separate meter for the exclusive purpose of charging their electric vehicle. Those taking service under the Separate Meter Time of Use rate option is not eligible for first year bill protection.

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What does Whole Home mean?

This rate option only applies to whole home residential electric use. It is expected that you are charging your vehicle on the same meter that powers lights, appliances and other devices of your home. It is not applicable to separately metered garages and outer buildings. To benefit most from this rate, you will want to charge your vehicle during periods of lower demand, and shift the majority of your other energy use to this same time structure.

What does it mean to have an EV on a separate meter?

Though uncommon, some customers have chosen to install an electric meter for the sole and exclusive purpose of charging their electric vehicle.

How does the bill protection work for the first-year of the program?

Customers on the Whole Home Time of Use Rate option for the first time receive bill protection for the first year. Automatically, your annual account usage will be compared against standard rates. If the calculation is less on standard rates than on the EV Time of Use Rate, Central Hudson will mail you a comparison letter of the different rates and issue a refund of the difference by check. Note: this only applies to the first year of service on this rate. Subsequent years of billing will not benefit from a bill guarantee; it is recommended that each customer assess their current and projected electric needs when considering this rate.

Why doesn’t an EV on a separate meter qualify for bill protection?

Customers charging their EV on a separate meter have greater control and predictability over when electricity will be utilized, enabling them to pre-determine if the off-peak hours (after 7 p.m. and prior to 2 p.m.) are a fit to their schedule and lifestyle.

Will this save money on my bill?

In order to realize a savings, you must shift use of approximately 83% of your electricity during off-peak hours. This entails charging your electric vehicle during off-peak periods and controlling the schedule of when electric heat (as applicable), air-conditioning, appliances and electric products are run (programmable thermostats and devices can be helpful).

What are the peak hours?

The time period for weekday, on peak hours is Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

All weekends and six major holidays per year (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day) are included in off-peak hours.

What is the difference between this EV Whole Home Time of Use rate and standard rates?

The chart below compares on and off peak charges under the EV Whole Home Time of Use Rate, and standard residential electric charges:

Billing Line Items Time-of-Use Charges Standard Residential Charges
Customer Charge
Energy Delivery charge, per kWh  
On-peak energy delivery charge, per kWh
Off-peak energy delivery charge, per kWh
Base MFC Administration Charge
Base MFC Supply Charge
Electric Bill Credit
Market Price Charges  
Market supply charges
On-peak market price charge
Reflects hourly market
commodity prices for on-peak period
Off-peak market price charge
Reflects hourly market
commodity prices for off-peak period

All other billing charges that apply to both standard and EV Whole Home Time of Use rates are the same.

Can I sign up for a short time, then switch back to the standard residential rate?

No. You must sign on for a minimum of one year.