Following infiltration of water into a portion of the natural gas system serving the City of Newburgh caused by an improperly installed water heater by a non-utility party, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. has restored natural gas service to 77 of the 82 impacted homes and building, and expects to complete all service restorations today. The incident, which was first reported on Jan. 21, affected homes and buildings in the vicinity of Palantine Ave., Kennedy Place and Dupont Ave.
“Overnight we were able to successfully clear the remaining affected natural gas mains and are now completing final service restorations,” said Paul. E. Haering, Senior Vice President of Engineering and Operations. He explained that as water was removed from the gas mains, utility workers accessed each home and building to inspect interior piping and safely relight natural gas heaters and appliances. In some cases, gas meters were replaced and repairs to water-damaged appliances are required.
Residual water in the lines may cause temporary problems during the day, and crews are remaining on site to address these incidents, finalize repairs and perform safety inspections.
“We are pleased that the repairs proceeded safely, however many families were impacted by this incident,” said Haering. “This event underscores the importance of using qualified and when required licensed contractors when repairing or replacing natural gas and electrical appliances to ensure the equipment is installed properly and safely.
“We again express our appreciation to our customers for their patience, and thank the City of Newburgh, the Orange County Office of Emergency Management, the New York State Office of Emergency Management and the Red Cross for their assistance as we worked together to restore natural gas service to our customers,” said. Haering.
To view a video of Central Hudson’s response, posted on Jan. 22, click here; and for more information, visit www.CentralHudson.com.
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Central Hudson restores natural gas service to residents in the City of Newburgh, following water infiltration into a portion of the gas system caused by an improperly installed water heater by a non-utility party.