(New Paltz, NY) Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation was recognized with the prestigious Excellence in Business Award by The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce at its Business Recognition Awards ceremony this week. These annual awards honor outstanding local businesses and entrepreneurs by celebrating the awardees’ work and achievements and offer appreciation for their contributions to local business and quality of life.
“This award is truly an honor and a reflection of our longstanding relationship with the greater New Paltz community,” said Charles A. Freni, President and C.E.O., who accepted the award on behalf of Central Hudson. “Our roots here stretch back to 1892 with the founding of the New Paltz Electric Light Company, which became part of the Central Hudson system in 1924. Today, we remain committed to New Paltz by delivering energy to businesses and residents, providing energy efficiency services and supporting the community through sponsorships and employee volunteerism.”
“Congratulations to Central Hudson for winning the Excellence in Business Award,” said Jen Roe, Executive Director of the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce. “We’re happy to honor all that Central Hudson does for us and our entire community. You truly make a difference and this award is so well deserved.”
As a local business leader, Central Hudson builds, operates and maintains the electric and natural gas infrastructure that powers the region’s economy, responds to emergencies, provides energy efficiency expertise, extends a helping hand to low-income customers and installs state-of-the-art equipment to meet the needs of local business. The utility’s more than 1,000 employees reside in the Mid-Hudson Valley, support their communities and are committed to providing the highest quality service at the lowest possible price.
To learn more about Central Hudson’s business services and community programs, visit www.CentralHudson.com.
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About Central Hudson
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, a subsidiary of Fortis Inc., is an energy delivery company headquartered in Poughkeepsie, New York. The utility serves approximately 300,000 electric and 80,000 natural gas customers in eight counties of New York State’s Mid-Hudson River Valley, delivering natural gas and electricity in a 2,600-square-mile service territory that extends north from the suburbs of metropolitan New York City to the Capital District around Albany.
About the New Paltz Chamber of Commerce
The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce is blazing the way to help create and support an environment in which business can succeed and the quality of life in the community is enhanced. The New Paltz Chamber is a supporter of business in the region. Legislative advocacy, pro-active referrals, extensive member services, networking opportunities, seminars, special events and more make the New Paltz Regional Chamber a great investment.
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation was recognized with the prestigious Excellence in Business Award by The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce at its Business Recognition Awards ceremony this week. Charles A. Freni (center), President and C.E.O. of Central Hudson, accepted the award on behalf of the utility. Flanking Freni are New Paltz Chamber of Commerce board members Jerry Amato, left, of Central Hudson and Ernie VanDeMark, right, also committee chair for the Chamber Foundation and Central Hudson retiree.