Tree Listing
Taller Trees
The following is a guide to the appropriate planting distances from distribution power lines for a variety of trees and shrubs. This is a partial list, and not all trees are suitable for urban areas. Also, avoid planting softwood trees (such as pines and willows), as these are susceptible to storm damage and may fall onto the lines. Our staff will be happy to consult with property owners and municipalities in choosing the appropriate species. Bear in mind that even if these guidelines are followed, branches may grow into utility lines and must be cleared, and trees that may be diseased or dying might eventually require removal. No plantings may take place in our Transmission line easements without consulting Central Hudson.
Low Height (plant at least 15 feet from lines) | Height at maturity |
Rose Sargent’s Crabapple | 10’ – 15’ |
Kousa Dogwood | 15’ – 18’ |
Japanese Maple | 15’ – 20’ |
Trinity Flowering Pear | 15’ – 20’ |
Crimson Cloud English Hawthorn | 15’ – 20’ |
Red or White Flowering Dogwood | 15’ – 25’ |
Kwanzan Cherry | 15’ – 25’ |
Purple Leaf Flowering Plum | 15’ – 25’ |
Lavalle Hawthorn | 15’ – 25’ |
Tatarian Maple | 18’ – 20’ |
Cornelian Cherry Dogwood | 18’ – 20’ |
Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn | 18’ – 20’ |
Shantung, Amur and Globe Norway Maple | 20’ - 25’ |
White Fringe Tree | 20’ - 25’ |
Ohio Pioneer Dotted Hawthorn | 20’ - 25’ |
Eastern Redbud | 20’ - 25’ |
Upright Siberian and Jackii Siberian Crabapple | 20’ - 25’ |
Snowdrift Crabapple | 20’ - 25’ |
Japanese Tree Lilac | 20’ - 25’ |
Medium Height (plant at least 20 feet from lines) | Height at maturity |
Hedge Maple | 20’ – 30’ |
Sentinel and Centurion Crabapple | 20’ – 30’ |
Pyramidal American Hornbeam | 20’ – 40’ |
Apple Serviceberry | 25’ – 35’ |
Allegheny Serviceberry | 25’ – 35’ |
Spring Snow Crabapple | 25’ – 35’ |
European Mountain Ash | 25’ – 35’ |
Washington Hawthorn | 25’ – 35’ |
Tall Height (plant at least 45 feet from lines) | Height at maturity |
American Hophornbeam | 25’ – 40’ |
Downy Shadblow | 30’ – 35’ |
Columnar Sargent Cherry | 30’ – 40’ |
Imperial Honey Locust | 30’ – 40’ |
Crimson Sentry Maple | 30’ – 40’ |
American Hornbeam | 30’ – 40’ |
European Hornbeam | 30’ – 40’ |
Redspire Callery Pear | 30’ – 40’ |
Golden Rain Tree | 30’ – 40’ |
Amur Cork Tree | 30’ – 40’ |
Thornless Honey Locust | 30’ – 60’ |
European Larch | 30’ – 60’ |
Armstrong Red Maple | 35’ – 40’ |
Goldenspire Sugar Maple | 35’ – 40’ |
Sweetbay Magnolia | 35’ – 40’ |
Autumn Blaze Callery Pear | 35’ – 40’ |
Chanticleer Callery Pear | 35’ – 40’ |
Greenspire Little-leaf Linden | 35’ – 40’ |
Crimson King Norway Maple | 35’ – 40’ |
Parkway Norway Maple | 40’ – 50’ |
Heritage River Birch | 40’ – 50’ |
Katsura Tree | 40’ – 50’ |
Legend American Linden | 50’ – 60’ |
Village Green Japanese Zelkova | 50’ – 60’ |
Autumn Flame Red Maple | 50’ – 75’ |
Green Mountain Sugar Maple | 50’ – 75’ |
Copper Beech | 50’ – 80’ |
Princeton Sentry Ginkgo | 50’ – 80’ |
Shademaster Honey Locust | 60’ – 70’ |
Dawn Redwood | 65’ – 80’ |
Shagbark Hickory | 65’ – 80’ |
White Pine | 100’ + |
Shrubs and Shorter Trees
Shrubs and low-growing species less than 20 feet tall at maturity may be planted beneath utility lines. Our staff will be happy to consult with property owners and municipalities in choosing the appropriate species. Bear in mind that even if these guidelines are followed, branches may grow into utility lines and must be trimmed. No plantings may take place in our Transmission line easements without consulting Central Hudson.
Shrubs and Shorter Trees | Height at maturity |
Mountain Laurel | 5’ – 6’ |
Winterberry | 6’ – 8’ |
Flowering Almond | 6’ – 10’ |
Nanking Cherry | 6’ – 10’ |
Arrowwood | 6’ – 10’ |
Hatfield Yew | 6’ – 12’ |
Red Osier Dogwood | 7’ – 9’ |
Gray Dogwood | 8’ – 10’ |
Forsythia | 8’ – 10’ |
Japanese Flowering Quince | 8’ – 10’ |
Dwarf Norway Spruce | 8’ – 12’ |
Burning Bush | 8’ – 12’ |
Upright Japanese Yew | 10’ – 12’ |
Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce | 10’ – 15’ |
Mary Potter Crabapple | 10’ – 15’ |
Siberian Pea Shrub | 10’ – 15’ |
Royal Purple Smoke Tree | 10’ – 15’ |
Blue Hollies | 10 – 15’ |
Chinese Witch Hazel | 10’ – 15’ |
Rhododendron | 10’ – 20’ |
Star Magnolia | 10’ – 20’ |
Hopa Crabapple | 12’ – 18’ |
Siberian Arborvitae | 12’ – 18’ |
Fringetree | 15’ – 18’ |
Purple Leaf Flowering Plum | 15’ – 20’ |
Red Flowering Dogwood | 15’ – 20’ |
Eastern Redbud | 15’ – 20’ |
White Flowering Dogwood | 15’ – 20’ |
Kousa Dogwood | 16’ – 18’ |