Central Hudson today announced its phased approach to resume collections for residential customers. Beginning the week of April 22, Central Hudson will resume issuing final termination notices to customers who have an unpaid balance greater than two months past due. Customers who have entered into a payment agreement with Central Hudson will not receive final termination notices.
This process will begin in the Kingston district of Central Hudson’s service area and will gradually expand in a phased rollout. The resumption of the collections process for each service district is scheduled to begin two months after the transition to Monthly Meter Readings in their respective district. By late summer of 2024, virtually all customers should expect to be transitioned to the Monthly Meter Reading system.
Central Hudson has not charged late payment fees or terminated residential customers for non-payment since March 2020. By gradually reintroducing collections processes, Central Hudson is working to support customers, while continuing to provide energy services. Central Hudson will not be charging late fees for past due balances at this time.
“Over the last few years, we have been diligently focused on rebuilding trust and confidence in our billing process. Now, we are ready to resume collections, ensuring fairness for both our valued customers and dedicated employees,” Senior Vice President of Customer Services Anthony Campagiorni said. “When customers don’t pay the bills for the electric and gas services they utilize, their neighbors bear the added burden. As always, we remain committed to working closely with our customers to provide assistance and support to anyone who may face hardships in paying their utility bills.”
Since August 2022, Central Hudson has been issuing reminders to customers with unpaid energy bills to encourage payment or enter into a payment agreement. Despite these efforts, around one out of every four customers has an arrears balance greater than 60 days.
Central Hudson will continue to work with customers who have unpaid balances to avoid termination of service. Individuals at risk of service termination will be notified directly by Central Hudson account services. Detailed account data verification procedures are in place to ensure customers subject to a formal collections process have received accurate bills and have no unresolved inquiries. Any customer in the Kingston service area with an unpaid balance for energy used is encouraged to make a payment or contact Central Hudson to learn what assistance options may be available.
Central Hudson offers different programs to assist customers who may be facing financial difficulties. Customers can learn more about these programs by visiting www.cenhud.com/en/account-resources/assistance-programs/.
The resumption of residential collections follows the successful implementation of commercial collections that began in March of 2023.
In addition to resuming collections, Central Hudson continues to roll out monthly meter readings, which has improved customers’ ability to track their energy usage. Monthly meter readings ensure greater transparency in billing, ultimately benefiting all customers.