Crews from Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. are working to restore natural gas service to nearly 500 homes and businesses who were impacted by a fire in Hopewell Junction on Tuesday afternoon. All impacted electric customers have been safely restored.
The fire was initially reported at approximately 1:30 p.m. as Central Hudson crews were performing maintenance near a regulator station that began to over pressurize. Preliminary reports suggest a safety device began to release that pressure as designed. Within moments the natural gas venting into the atmosphere ignited, causing damage to electric wires overhead. The cause of the ignition is not yet known.
Crews were able to isolate the impacted area from the rest of the gas system and the fire was extinguished with no damage to homes or businesses in the area and no serious injuries.
“We have begun the process of restoring natural gas service to the homes and businesses that were impacted by Tuesday’s fire and we expect to complete those efforts by the end of day today,” said Eric Kiszkiel, Vice President of Gas Engineering and Operations at Central Hudson. “In addition to Central Hudson crews, we have secured an additional 50 mutual aid workers from neighboring utilities who will help expedite the restoration process.”
“I’d also like to acknowledge and thank responders from the East Fishkill Fire Department and Dutchess County Emergency Services,” Kiszkiel added. “Their prompt and professional assistance was instrumental in quickly addressing the incident.”
Central Hudson has conducted direct outreach to impacted customers to inform them of the restoration process. Utility workers require access to each home and building to inspect interior piping and safely relight natural gas heaters and appliances. Residents who are currently without natural gas service are asked to remain at home or to make arrangements to have a responsible adult present to allow entry, as restoring gas service requires these inspections and relights. Central Hudson representatives carry identification and will show it upon request.
Customers are urged to exercise an abundance of caution and to report gas odors they may detect by doing the following:
- STOP what they are doing. Do not light or use a match. Do not turn lights on or off or use a flashlight, cell phone or telephone. Do not turn on any other appliance or electric/electronic device and do not flush or run water.
- GO outside immediately.
- LET US KNOW by calling our gas odor hotline at 1-800-942-8274, or call 911.
For more information visit www.CentralHudson.com.