Working with Dutchess County and the Town of East Fishkill, Central Hudson has secured a supply of dry ice through a Kingston area company. The remaining inventory of 1,500 pounds of dry ice is being delivered from Albany today, and will be distributed this evening at the following locations:
- Poughkeepsie Home Depot, 3470 North Rd., Poughkeepsie 12601
- Newburgh Armory, 321 S. William St., Newburgh 12550
- East Fishkill Town Hall, 330 Route 376, Hopewell Junction 12533
“We would like to thank our partners in Dutchess County government in helping us to secure this dry ice for our customers,” said Ryan Hawthorne, Assistant Vice President of Electric Operations and Engineering. “We are very fortunate in securing this needed supply, as the nationwide shortage combined with the urgent need by communities affected by Tropical Storm Isaias, has severely limited shipments by producers. Central Hudson is happy to provide this dry ice to our customers impacted by the storm.”
Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “This storm has left a tremendous amount of damage in its wake and we continue to work together to recover as fast as possible, but complications such as a dry ice shortage only make the process more urgent and stressful. While regular ice is a short-term solution, as many residents are coming up 48 hours without power, dry ice is a vital resource during prolonged power outages to help preserve food and prevent spoilage and possible sickness. We are happy to facilitate a regional vendor for dry ice and grateful to our partners at Central Hudson for their rapid response and willingness to work collaboratively to find a solution and resource to meet this critical need.”
During major storms, typically 40,000 pounds of dry ice is distributed to residents. The nationwide shortage, largely driven by the Coronavirus, has severely curtailed availability. To assist its customers affected by the storm, Central Hudson is also distributing regular ice and bottled water. Earlier, Central Hudson did secure and distribute 500 pounds of dry ice in the Orange County area on Wednesday.
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