Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation and The National Theatre for Children (NTC) have partnered to educate students and their families about energy efficiency. During the 2019-20 school year, professional actors from NTC will visit 60 elementary schools with live performances of The Energized Guyz, sparking conversations on energy efficiency in classrooms throughout Central Hudson’s service area.
The performances are a part of Central Hudson’s energy efficiency outreach and education program. “Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way to reduce waste and lower emissions, said Anthony Campagiorni, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Customer Services at Central Hudson. “We’re offering this important energy education program to help students develop an understanding of the importance of using energy efficiently to lower costs and protect the environment.”
The program will focus on:
- What energy is
- The uses of energy
- How energy is wasted
- Ways to conserve energy
The live program revolves around Nikki Neutron, a superhero tasked with saving energy. With the help of student volunteers, as well as colorful characters like U.R. Fired, Nikki sets off to learn about energy conservation and beat the infamous Sneaker, a villain obsessed with wasting energy.
“Live theatre is a great way to educate,” says NTC president and founder Ward Eames. “The show goes beyond reading and offers innovative ways to engage kids. These children are watching a story unfold right before their very eyes, with the two actors playing all sorts of characters. We don’t lose the kids’ attention for a minute, because they get to respond and interact with the show. It really sticks with them.”
In addition to live performances, the program includes student playbooks (print and online versions), posters, and digital games and activities that align with the important concepts outlined in the live shows. Central Hudson sponsors every aspect of the program, making the performances and materials a cost-free supplement to lessons in science, literacy and the arts. For more information about The Energized Guyz, visit www.NationalTheatre.com/Programs/.
For a complete list of participating schools and locations on the tour, and for information on school enrollment, contact Michael Lauchaire by calling 845-452-2700. For more information on Central Hudson’s energy efficiency programs, visit www.CentralHudson.com and click on Efficiency.
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Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation and The National Theatre for Children (NTC) have partnered to educate students and their families about energy efficiency. During the 2019-20 school year, professional actors from NTC will visit 60 elementary schools with live performances of The Energized Guyz, sparking conversations on energy efficiency in classrooms throughout Central Hudson’s service area.