I hereby make application to Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation to enroll and to be placed on the Residential Time-of-Use Service (Service Classification No. 6). I understand that I will be billed for the electricity purchases I may make at prices established and calculated for Time-of-Use Service, and I will pay for such purchases when the bill is rendered. I understand that the minimum term of service is 12 months from the date I first take service under this rate, and that enrollment is subject to meter availability and coincides with the start of a new billing cycle. I understand that I do not have to use less electricity to save money on the Time-of-Use Service, however to save money I must monitor my usage so that at least approximately 72 percent of the electricity I consume is used during off-peak hours, based on using 650 kWh of electricity per month, and that changes in market prices for electricity may require that I use higher levels during off-peak hours in order to realize savings and avoid higher charges. I further understand that for the purpose of this program, on-peak hours are defined as 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday (25 hours per week). All weekday overnight hours are after the on-peak period and all weekend hours from the end of the on-peak period Friday night, until Monday afternoon are defined as off-peak (143 hours per week). Six major holidays per year (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas) are also included in off-peak hours. All electricity usage for the on-peak and off-peak hours will be measured by my time-of-use meter. My usage will be billed every month showing the actual or estimated peak and off-peak kilowatt hours.