Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation Energy Affiliates That Employ or Retain Marketing Function Employees

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Energy Resources’ employees are Marketing Function Employees of:

Central Hudson Gas & Electric
284 South Ave.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


Fortis Inc. is an affiliate of Central Hudson Gas & Electric.  Marketing Function Employees of Fortis Inc. do not engage in transmission transactions on Central Hudson Gas & Electric’s transmission system and are therefore not considered Marketing Function Employees of Central Hudson Gas & Electric in accordance with FERC Order 717A:

Fortis Inc.
5 Springdale Street, Suite 1100
P.O. Box 8837
St. John’s, NL, Canada  A1B 3T2


The Wholesale Marketing Department of TEP employs Marketing Function Employees.  TEP is a subsidiary of Fortis Inc.; Fortis Inc. is also the indirect parent company of Central Hudson Gas & Electric.  TEP’s address is:

Tucson Electric Power Company,
Wholesale Marketing
88 East Broadway Blvd.
Mailstop HQE302
Tucson, AZ 85701


ITC Holdings Corp. is a subsidiary of Fortis Inc.; Fortis Inc. is also the indirect parent company of Central Hudson Gas & Electric. ITC Holdings Corp. consists of the following four operating transmission utilities, none of which employ Marketing Function Employees:

  1. International Transmission Company d/b/a ITC Transmission
    27175 Energy Way
    Novi, MI 48377

  2. Michigan Electric Transmission Company, LLC
    27175 Energy Way
    Novi, MI 48377

  3. ITC Midwest, LLC
    123 5th St SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

  4. ITC Great Plains, LLC
    3500 SW Fairlawn Rd, Suite 101
    Topeka, KS 66614