New York ISO Wholesale Market Aggregation (FERC 2222)

Central Hudson has filed proposed tariff changes effective July 1, 2023, to better allow customers with generating equipment to export to NYISO through its wholesale Distributed Energy Resource (DER) participation models, either directly or through an aggregation. Central Hudson’s tariff changes add Wholesale Value Stack and Wholesale Distribution Service provisions which specify the type of compensation that customers with behind the meter generation can receive from Central Hudson when also exporting to the NYISO. Specifically, these changes remove energy and/or capacity compensation from the Value Stack payment made by Central Hudson for customers receiving payment for these components from the NYISO. Additionally, customers exporting to the NYISO are no longer eligible to participate in Net Energy Metering or Buyback service from Central Hudson. The entire filing can be found on the Public Service Commission’s website here.

For information on NYISO’s Wholesale Market Aggregation, including requirements for applying as an aggregator or to participate within an aggregation, please visit the NYISO’s website at

Transmission Node
As part of NYISO’s wholesale market aggregation, Central Hudson’s substations are mapped to the Transmission Node(s) (PTID) that cover the Company’s territory. This Transmission Node (PTID) is established annually by the NYISO and Central Hudson’s PTID information for each substation in its service territory can be found here.

Aggregator telemetry provides critical data for operational situational awareness to both the NYISO and the NY Utilities. Each DER aggregator participating as part of NYISO’s wholesale market aggregation is responsible for procuring an approved RTU that connects to Central Hudson’s Energy Management System. A list of Central Hudson’s telemetry requirements can be found here.

For questions related to Central Hudson’s requirements as part of NYISO’s wholesale market aggregation, please contact


Useful Links

NYISO Wholesale Electricity Markets

NYISO FERC 2222 Compliance - Part 1

FERC Order 2222 Fact Sheet

NY Joint Utilities Website

Central Hudson's System Data Portal

Central Hudson's Hosting Capacity Maps