EDI Requirements

Eligibility Requirements

All ESCO-Marketers must satisfy the following retail access requirements before beginning any Phase III production ready EDI testing with Central Hudson:

>> Must meet eligibility requirements for the state, i.e. State Certified. The New York Public Service Commission does this certification.

>> Must be certified/approved by the New York ISO.

>> Must satisfy Central Hudson's approval process:

>> Complete Pre-Test Worksheets from Appendix A of NY EDI TOP Supplement 1.


EDI for Historic Usage

Any other supplier or consultant needing to request historic usage must perform basic EDI testing with Central Hudson.

>> Must satisfy Central Hudson's approval process:


Gas & Electric Phase III Testing Transactions

Central Hudson is currently doing EDI Phase III testing for the following transactions:

>> 810 Invoice Transaction - Utility Rate Ready
>> 814 Enrollment
>> 814 Drop
>> 814 Change
>> 814 Reinstatement
>> 824 Application Advice
>> 867 Historical Usage
>> 867 Monthly Usage
>> 997 Functional Acknowledgement

>> EDI Standards Supplemental Guide for Central Hudson

All of the transaction standards and Commission Orders are posted at website www.dps.state.ny.us/98m0067.htm