Welcome to Central Hudson's Information Center for Retail Suppliers

Online Information and Data Access
The Information Center for Retail Suppliers enables you to obtain online up-to-date information regarding your participation as an energy supplier in Central Hudson's Retail Access Programs.

» General Information about the Retail Access programs.

» New ESCO Portal

» New Usage History Page

» Average Utility Supply Rate

» Energy Manager to view electric interval data

» Gas Tracking System To manage the daily natural gas nomination and balancing process

» EDI Requirements 

In accordance with the UBP established in Case 98-M-1343, Central Hudson will respond within five (5) business days to requests for data and information for which an EDI transaction is not available. While Central Hudson makes every attempt to respond to your request the same day, in order to avoid duplicate efforts we ask that you please allow two (2) business days before forwarding the same request to any contact at Central Hudson. General requests should be sent to RetailAccess@cenhud.com. Requests for capacity tags, interval data and billing determinants should be sent to EnergyManager@cenhud.com.