The Purchasing Division is located at Central Hudson's Corporate Headquarters in Poughkeepsie, New York. Purchasing has company-wide responsibility for procurement of supplies and services required to support company operations. Our objective is to obtain the best value and highest quality materials and services from diverse qualified Suppliers and Service Providers, using competitive bidding when appropriate.
The Purchasing Division interfaces with all other areas of the Company to obtain the best value of materials and services. This is consistent with such considerations as suitability, quality, quantity, delivery, terms and safety. Qualified contractors and sources of supply are developed and maintained to encourage competitive bidding.
The Vendor/Contractor Questionnaire Form provides basic information so Purchasing can categorize companies for future supply of materials and services. Questionnaire forms are kept on file and updated as changes occur.
A contract is issued when services are performed on Central Hudson properties and/or when liability issues become a concern. Contractors must furnish proof of insurance as stated on Central Hudson's "Minimum Insurance Requirements for Contractors." This coverage must remain in effect during the entire term of the contract.
Click here for Central Hudson's General Terms and Conditions, which all suppliers are bound to upon acceptance of a purchase order from the Company.
Click here for a downloadable pdf of Central Hudson's General Terms and Conditions.
Click here for Form 302A - Minimum Insurance Requirements for Contractors.
eMail: Purchasing@CenHud.com
Phone: (845) 486-5835
Fax: (845) 790-8481