Standby Rates

Standby rates may be required for customers with on-site generation who do not qualify for net metering or value stack. Customers on standby rates are required to have interval metering (which means readings are recorded at 15-minute to 1-hour intervals).

Central Hudson has filed tariff changes effective Jan. 1, 2024, with new standby (service classification No. 14) rates. The effective rates are available in the Company’s tariff at the following link: PSC Tariff Site. Standby rates exist for each “Parent Service Classification" (which is the class under which a customer would otherwise take service).

Standby rates will be available on an opt-in basis for all customers* at a later date. Central Hudson will make a filing with the Public Service Classification to modify its tariff to allow customers to be billed on standby rates on a voluntary basis. This web page will be updated with information about opt-in standby rates when they are made available.

The chart below describes the components of a standby rate. All other rates and surcharges of the Parent Service Classification apply. Customers on standby rates who purchase their supply from Central Hudson are required to do so under the provisions of the Hourly Pricing Program based on the hourly market price of electricity established by the NYISO.


Component Example Illustrative Rate Description
Customer Charge/Basic Service Charge $xx.00 per month Equivalent to basic service charge under Parent Service Classification.
Contract Demand $x.00/kW A per-kW charge applied to a customer's contract demand (a customer's maximum metered demand). Charges for exceeding contract demand level may apply.
Daily As-Used Demand On-Peak $0.xxxxx/kW A per-kW charge applied to a daily maximum metered demand between the hours of 7 a.m.-11 p.m. on weekdays, excluding holidays. 
Daily As-Used Demand Super-Peak $0.xxxxx/kW A per-kW charge applied to a daily maximum metered demand between the hours of 2-7 p.m. during the months of June-September on weekdays, excluding holidays. 


*Standby rates are available only for metered service classifications.