Deferred Payment Agreement
How it works
Deferred Payment Agreements (DPAs) help customers catch up on a past-due account balance. With a Deferred Payment Agreement, you make payments on your past-due balance in monthly installments while also committing to pay current and future bills in full and on time.
If you have an overdue balance, your account is still considered in arrears even if you are making partial payments outside of a DPA. Set up a Deferred payment Agreement, if you cannot pay your balance in full, to protect your account from collection efforts.
Create a Payment Agreement OnlineRequest Agreement Without an Online Account
(this option requires your account number, application review and follow up from Central Hudson)
Already have a signed Deferred Payment Agreement in place?
If you already have a payment agreement in effect, visit your Deferred Payment Agreement details page or the letter you received for your payment installment schedule and additional details. That page is only available for accounts that already have a Deferred Payment Agreement.
Remember to pay new account charges on time to keep your account in good standing and your Deferred Payment Agreement in effect.