Manufacturing Productivity Program
To remain globally competitive, expand business and grow jobs, manufacturers must continually improve productivity and operational performance.
The Manufacturing Productivity Program helps to accelerate manufacturing by supporting manufacturers' endeavors to incorporate and employ sustainable, scalable processes to optimize and improve their operational capacity.
Grants awarded within this program are reimbursed after project completion per the following criteria:
- A matching grant up to $15,000 or 40% (whichever is less) toward the costs incurred by eligible applicants, whose top management commits the time and resources to Lean Manufacturing projects or manufacturing assistance projects which result in eliminating waste and increasing productivity on the shop floor and/or in the office.
- Execute an agreement that commits top management to the processes that result in the productivity and development improvements articulated in this program.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Program-Specific Requirements:
- Existing manufacturing businesses must maintain their previous year's employment level within the service territory.
- The project must accomplish one or more of the following:
- Optimize the current facility;
- Increase machine effectiveness;
- Improve product quality;
- Reduce costs;
- Reduce lead times;
- Improve process-flow;
- Increase inventory turns;
- Expand markets;
- Develop new customers and/or new products
General Economic Development Programs Requirements:
- Applicants must be a business that is classified by the North American Industry Classification System as manufacturing (NAICS codes 31, 32 or 33). NAICS classification can be found online at www.census.gov/naics.
- Applicants must receive written approval from Central Hudson prior to beginning the project work. Central Hudson will not reimburse for work started prior to written approval.
- All projects must create or maintain, at a minimum, 20 full-time jobs paying an annual salary of more than $40,000.
- All applications should have participation from Empire State Development Corporation, a local industrial development agency, a community college, or a local development corporation. Any application that does not contain participation from the above-mentioned entities, Central Hudson may consider a letter of support from the county of origin for such projects on a case-by-case basis.
- The project must be located within Central Hudson’s service territory.
- Applicants must be in good standing on their Central Hudson bill.
- Grants are available on a continual basis until all funding is expended.
- Funding is released to a grant award recipient only after the recipient has met all conditions of the program. Unless stated, in all circumstances, funding should be viewed by the applicant as a reimbursement for work completed following grant approval in the form of an award letter.
- Grant amounts listed are the maximum allowable award for each program. Each application is evaluated on a variety of factors, resulting in some not receiving the maximum grant award.
- Project must be completed within six months of project completion date or the applicant will be required to reapply for the program.